

as food as possible

Are you tired of making the same bland meals every day? Do you wish you could create delicious recipes based on your home ingredients? If so, check out our application that generates a recipe based on your home ingredients.

App screenshot

Powered by AI

Everything you need to cook

Gone are the days when you had to rely on cookbooks or online recipes to develop new meal ideas. With the advent of technology, you can now download an app that generates recipes based on the ingredients you have in your pantry. This app removes the stress of deciding what to cook for dinner or lunch. It is perfect for people who are always on the go and don't have time to plan their meals.

What iOS application generates a recipe based on your home ingredients?

The application that generates a recipe based on your home ingredients is Cooklr which helps you develop new recipe ideas based on what you have available in your kitchen. It is an easy-to-use app perfect for people who are always busy and need more time to plan their meals. The app is available for free beta on Appleā€™s TestFlight and can be used on any iPhone. For more info, please join our Discord server here.

How does Cooklr work?

The app uses an algorithm based on artificial intelligence that considers your home ingredients and generates a recipe based on those ingredients. All you have to do is to add your ingredients, and the app will give you a perfect recipe and step-by-step guide back.

Why should you use Cooklr?

Cooklr is an excellent app for people who want to save time and money and reduce food waste. It is perfect for people who are always on the go and don't have the time to plan their meals. You can generate new recipe ideas based on your home ingredients with just a few taps. So why wait? Join the beta today and start cooking delicious meals in no time!

App screenshots
Saves time.
Our app saves you time by eliminating the need to search for recipes online or in cookbooks. You can generate recipe ideas with just a few taps on your smartphone.
Saves money.
The app helps you use the ingredients you have at home, saving you money on grocery bills.
Reduces Food Waste.
Cooklr reduces food waste by helping you use the ingredients in your pantry or refrigerator.
Provides Variety.
The app provides various recipe options, which helps you break away from the same bland meals.

Generate new recipes

Featuring the AI powered recipes

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